Friday, October 26, 2007

Its crazy how we lost ourselves tonight;

Its crazy how we lost ourselves tonight;

life's been a pretty good bitch lately, since it's a bitch and a bitch can't change itself, it's been a real good bitch! :D
its a compliment.

today was a good good day. apart from certain people, it was really good. :D like the *censored* and the guy whom i suspect went for liposuction.

early this morning, i woke up late, went out of the house late and CYCLED TO SCHOOL AGAIN BWAHAHA SO FUN OK! im faster than the bus. HAHA.

then, kimberley darling was giving away 5 bucks to everyone in class! (class fund la, you think christmas gift ah?) so heng la, my mother this morning nv give me pocket money. whee!

something or someONE really WHEEEEE appeared right in front of me and i went like WHEEEEEEE and everyone went like WHEEEEEEE and we were all like WHEEEEEEEEE because he's like so WHEEEEE HAHAHAHHA oops.

haha. sorry. life in school's been getting too boring for me and a little appearance of someone just a quarter notch above the norm is really really exciting. WOOTS! (because the person who broke the limit of interesting(ness) will not appear. anymore, that is) haha. makes life fun what. :D

anyway, shrompy's stalker probably installed some microchip in her to tell him where she is all the time. HAHAHA.
(and mine's just freaky.)

after school, cycled to amah house to put the bike down (and something really fun happened there too) then went to sonia's house to WATCH PHANTOM OF THE OPERAAAAAAA!!!!! because there are like, ABSOLUTELY NO MOVIES WORTH WATCHING. either that or they are M18 or R21. blah. anywayes, THE PHANTOM IS SUPER HOT ZOMG WHOOO! but he looked like a disgusting mad man after his wig and mask were off. haha. i swear, he should just keep it on. haha.

sonia's house is a super long way in ok! i wonder how she runs for the bus when she's late. haha. anyway we (me sam sadia denise) were like singing the part of the song before the super high note from her house to bedok interchange (which is super long, you know.) and the lobster chicken thing. HAHA. talking random rubbish is so fun ok. :D

AND SADIA'S GOING TO CANADA T_T zomg im depressed. this is not the good part ok.

SERIOUSLY. can life now get any better? (ok yes, it could, like when hmt Os are gone, dead, over and i have loads of extra cash with me. and if sadia's not leaving. and if my interesting people arent leaving either.)

i tell you ah, libraries are super fun. this is the new extreme. :D quality eyecandy man. :D (aka interesting person. not people. haha.)

zomg thank god its the last day of school. so nxt year i'll be both relieved and feeling like "oh damn". because of certain reasons in which i might tell you if i like you enough. haha. :D

ps. i just broke up. you cheated on me so balantly!! still dare say infrnt of me somemore. dont even think of patching up ok. HAHA. :D

(i just realised that i havent been talking about guys in my posts for quite awhile, but then again, WHO CARES :DDDDD)

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